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What else should we "redefine" for the sake of equality?   The marriage debate continues on in the United States, we will hear this June how the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on the matter, possibly overriding the state of California's passage of Prop. 8, which defines marriage as one man and one woman. Infertility is also in the baby steps of being re-defined. California is introducing legislation, AB 460, that would mandate insurance coverage for same-sex couples who wish to undergo fertility treatments to conceive a child of their own. Check out . Birth certificates , specifically the terms "mother" and "father" are also being redefined.  I first heard about this going on in France, my husband's native country, and figured "that can't happen here". I was wrong. Iowa is looking at doing the same.

Stop complaining about the weather, Jenny

Good morning and Happy Divine Mercy Sunday.  Today is April 16, 2023 and I am sitting at my desk in our still-new-to-us home in the quaint town of Robins, Iowa.  It's gonna be crap weather today, thank you fake Midwest spring. We had a week of teasing, "see this is how to be normal" spring weather, with a summer heat wave inserted. I broke out shorts, flip flops. We even started running the a/c.  And today, the high will be 38. Good grief Iowa, just when I think I can "accept" you, you turn on me.   Yesterday  was an entirely different deal. Sunny, warm, and also "Opening Day" for the lawn mower. That's like, a seriously big deal when you live in the Midwest. You get to put the snow blower in the most rear-location in the garage, and say "buh bye," for the season.  Then you hope the the lawn mower start, which is not an easy thing after sitting idle for a long winter.  My dear husband succeeded, however, in getting it started and he disap

Good Morning Writers!

Good Morning Writers! If you're like me you fall into a rut sometimes with writing - I have had that same problem for the past couple of days, for some reason the "thrill" is gone and writing feels just like a chore. It has not stopped me from being productive. For example, today on, a website where approved writers can select assignments and write for pay, I took on "fentanyl citrate" and did just a 30 word blurb. This was helpful because it was a small, doable assignment and allowed me to feel like I was accomplishing something. Fentanyl citrate btw is an anesthetic used on for pain management in cancer patients, and also as a general anesthesia in operating rooms, or at least I think that's right. In any case - I posted the finished piece and am waiting for approval. Then I went on to "where is Godiva chocolate manufactured?" Food? Yes ! So I then went on to do the research - never as easy or as straight forward, Google or no