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What else should we "redefine" for the sake of equality?


The marriage debate continues on in the United States, we will hear this June how the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on the matter, possibly overriding the state of California's passage of Prop. 8, which defines marriage as one man and one woman.

Infertility is also in the baby steps of being re-defined. California is introducing legislation, AB 460, that would mandate insurance coverage for same-sex couples who wish to undergo fertility treatments to conceive a child of their own. Check out

Birth certificates, specifically the terms "mother" and "father" are also being redefined.  I first heard about this going on in France, my husband's native country, and figured "that can't happen here".

I was wrong. Iowa is looking at doing the same.

Hollywood is perhaps the most vocal advocate in the pro-gay marriage campaign, but I wonder what they would think of special interest groups trying to pass laws that would re-define their cherished institutions.

"Hello....Motion Pictures Academy? Yes it's me, Jenny Bioche, the freelance writer. I'm calling about your commitment to equality. The Academy Awards are coming up and I want to be nominated for an Oscar. The name of my movie? I've never made a movie. What? No I've never written a screenplay....but you can't discriminate against me. I'm a writer, an artist. This is about art."

Then we could invite or rather incite  the comic book authors, novelists, poets and anyone else who has picked up a pen demanding that they be afforded the "same privileges that married, sorry- Oscar people get". That would be the coveted table at (the super expensive, trendy LA restaurant) Spago's. Brad Pitt on Speed Dial, and so on.

That could lead to other "redefinitions" in the name of equality. High school show choirs and college marching bands could start campaigning for Grammy Nominations. Kindergartners' Christmas pageants could be added to Tony Award categories. Grandma filming her cat jumping off a porch could make a great Emmy nominee. To leave out these "artists" would be discrimination.

Tearing down institutions is difficult, and it doesn't happen over night.  If you are shrugging your shoulders in indifference, then you might also be ok with a college intern getting your promotion at work in favor of "equality". Maybe you'd like to see  Minor league Baseball teams playing in the World Series, or a D average student giving the keynote at your son's college graduation. Powder puff teams competing in the Super Bowl?

What are your cherished institutions? Maybe nothing is sacred.

Hollywood finds many a thing sacred - their red carpets, their "best dressed" coverage in People magazine, the ratings on the evening of the Oscar broadcast, the pomp and circumstance of it all. And we viewers gather with food in front of the TV, hoping some of the glitter will rub off on us. And that's actually a good thing.

We need special occasions and special tributes, but it doesn't mean including everyone, if it did, those awards would be meaningless.

 Hollywood keeps calling for being inclusive, yet they are the most exclusive club in the country.

They are asking for non-discrimination when they practice - as they should - artistic discrimination every day.  The institution of marriage has done the same thing: it discriminates against the under-aged, it discriminates against those already married.

Redefining marriage is really about saying that "anything goes" in marriage, as stated vehemently by  homosexual activist Masha Geesen.

Discrimination, in some context, is a good thing. Re-defining marriage equates to chaos for our future.



  1. In a world filled with inaccurate analogies and convenient lies ("Benghazi was just a sudden uprising reacting to a video")used to further the liberal agenda, I would love to see the Left respond to this one. Well done, Jennifer.


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